Have a seat a moment, would you?

It’s been quite a while since we’ve had a chance to sit down together and chat about everything that’s been happening around here! Wow, it’s been a lot.

How are you? How is your family? Have you taken time to process everything that’s been going on?

I want to ensure to you that we are working hard and have some really exciting things coming:

We have started building tiny homes for individuals – see post “Hey High Country!”

We are actively fundraising, so you have an AFFORDABLE place to put your new tiny home in a safe area that’s close to your job – see post “Working on Housing Our Neighbors!” and more information at the Music to House the Mountains event on Jan 3rd, 2025.

We are working with a variety of community organizations to provide future parenting and budgeting courses, family counseling workshops, with an availability to rent for artist classes, live music events, and even private events in a beautiful community center accessible for the entire area’s residents, not just those living in our community.

We have a stage 2 property that is RAW land, which we are beginning to get roads into for a future long-term development of tiny homes and cottages!  More coming soon!

All this to say, we want you take time and rest… because we aren’t going to stop working hard until our communities are HOUSED!

We are with you, always.

Tiny Together <3